Our Kitchen


My journey

... began sometime in 2017 when I chanced upon some YouTube videos showing the making of Swiss rolls with super cute designs on the exterior. I then tried to replicate what they did, but what came out of the oven was... let's just say a little underwhelming. It was less than two weeks later when I received an ultimatum from the family:

"Stop making Swiss rolls!"


Most of the baking sessions then went to making Nonya kuehs (Kueh Kosui was a recipe learnt from a nonya aunt and has consistently received the "pass" from the family) and not too long ago, bread. Fast forward to 2020, and as we all know, COVID-19 struck. With a bit more time on hand, I tried making rolls again, and surprisingly started getting better reviews. And eventually, in 2021, I got the nod of approval, and I can finally call myself a home baker.

Here I am!

I hope you will like the rolls in my list of "passes". I also seek your patience and understanding in the limitation of offering only a few types per week, as I don't have the space nor time to store and make many different types every day. I always welcome suggestions, so please feel free to send in any that you would like to taste. Please follow me on Instagram and Facebook, and stay tuned for more rolls that make the grade to move from the list of "fails". I look forward to receiving each and every buyer's feedback. Bon appétit!

My rolls

... are made using natural ingredients and unless otherwise specified, no artificial colouring or taste essences are used. I believe strongly in eating what grows naturally from Mother Earth. If rolls grew on trees/shrubs, I'd probably run a roll orchard!

To offer an insight into my preparation procedures, I typically prepare the cream two days in advance, as it needs to set in the fridge and also give me a chance to make sure the taste is right. The cake rolls are made the night before according to the orders received, and transported in a cooler bag to attempt to retain the freshness as much as possible.